2020 will be remembered for so many things, some we’d rather forget and some that are historic. The world is bending and transforming to the will of change, at the mercy of the planet as well as its human inhabitants. Yet the message is clear, perfect in the vision of a future that some fear and some celebrate.

The title of this blog, Eve’s Crossing, refers to balance. The balance between the masculine and the feminine. Not in the human male / female physical sense, but in the behavior and nature of all things. The representation of the feminine is Eve, derived of course from the Bible’s opening chapter of Genesis. The oppression, vilification, subjugation and sexual objectification of everything feminine started with the notion that the world’s evil should be blamed on the human female for Eve’s seduction, deception and corruption of her male counterpart Adam. Nature in its perfection is a balance of masculine and feminine. When there is a domination of one over the other, an imbalance occurs that results in the deterioration of the natural interaction and progress.

The nurturing sense of the feminine nature is one of peace, caring, support, empathy and understanding. This may be attributed to society, politics, groups, and movements as well as to humanity itself. The masculine nature involves protection, procreation, territory and stoic strength. Where there is balance, each attribute will exist. A person who embodies all of these traits would be considered in perfect balance. We’ve been out of balance since the subjugation of the feminine.

The upheaval of protests, denial, entitlement, division and apathy in 2020 seems insurmountable and intolerable. Yet, thinking of it as the birthing pain of a new paradigm can shift our focus from trauma and fear to growth and hope. Fear is the result of our loss of balance, it is the panic that sets in when we see change coming and the realization that we cannot stop it. This is the quickening. The birth of a new way is imminent.

The domination and privilege of those who have controlled our lives is coming to an end. The rise of those with an understanding of the value in feminine thinking has increased in number, soon to overtake those who lack that understanding. Thousands of years of suppression and assimilation have resulted in a volatile mixture of mistrust, hate, resentment and bitterness. This cannot be maintained, there will be a disintegration of the old to make way for the new. Much like the burning of a forest to allow new growth, so is the cleansing of traditional patriarchal ideology to make way for a balance of matriarch and patriarch.

The quickening of balance has begun. I am excited to be living during such change. My vision for the future is one that my grandchildren will thrive in, contributing their wisdom and experience from a new perspective of empathy, mindfulness and love.

4 thoughts on “2020: a quickening of balance”

  1. Astute observations!! I found this very insightful. Eve always get a bum rap. I think she was brave for choosing knowledge even if it meant the introduction of opposition. She saw something Adam didn’t. Growth comes through struggle.

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